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Curriculum Overview
We aim to ensure our curriculum nurtures and challenges all students through its personalised, diverse and inclusive approach to their studies and in students’ personal development.
Our aim is that all our learners participate in a wide range of opportunities and partake in multiple experiences that: enrich character; strengthen resilience and emotional well-being; promote healthy, active lifestyles; emphasise socially aware attitudes; build an appreciation for lifelong learning and ensures excellent academic outcomes.
Therefore, all students will study a broad and balanced curriculum that develops lively, enquiring minds who acquire a wide range knowledge and skills, including high levels of proficiency in literacy, numeracy and ICT skills. This will support them to achieve well and become active, responsible citizens ready to take their place in further education and employment.
At Key Stage 3 (years 7, 8 & 9) all students will study the following subjects:
- English Language and English LiteratureMaths
- Science
- History
- Geography
- Religious Education
- Spanish
- French
- Information Technology
- Art
- Drama Music Technology
- Physical Education
Religious Education is provided for all pupils, and is inclusive and broad minded. Parents do have the right to withdraw pupils from Religious Education and if you wish to do this, make an appointment with Mr. McMillan (Deputy Headteacher). The school does not support selective withdrawal from Religious Education.
See all the subject Long Term Plans here
To see a copy of the school's Music Development Plan please click the link below.
More Information
For enquiries related to the curriculum, please contact Mr McMillan: