
What is bullying?

Bullying is when someone intimidates or causes harm to another person on purpose. The victims of bullying can be verbally, physically or emotionally assaulted and are often threatened and made to feel frightened.

Bullying should not be viewed as an unfortunate but unavoidable part of school life. No child deserves to be bullied – it’s unacceptable behaviour and can have a devastating effect on the victim. Most schools have an anti-bullying policy, so it’s a good idea to be aware of the position adopted by your child’s school.


Our Strategies

All staff and students are aware of behaviour, which is considered to be bullying. When incidents of bullying are reported they are always be taken seriously. A wide range of strategies addressing the problems of both victims and bullies are in place to deal with any incidents of bullying along with intervention strategies. There is regular supervision of areas of the school where there might be particular opportunities for bullying to occur.


Parents and the Wider Community

Parents of all students involved in any incidents of bullying will be informed at the earliest possible moment. The School will attempt to inform the wider community of our policy and encourage them to support it. We will organise workshops for parents to come and discuss issues of bullying and preventative approaches.


Staff Training

All staff have access to appropriate safeguarding training. It is the responsibility of all staff to support students who have been bullied: both the victims and perpetrators and to ensure that all incidents are reported to the Learning Development Manager using our online reporting system.



All students have a responsibility to help victims of bullying by talking to them and by saying no to bullying. They should try to tell the bullies (with support where necessary) why what they are doing is wrong and should tell a teacher, member of staff or peer mentor so that something can be done about it. Parents can support children by listening to their concerns and reassuring them that the matter will be dealt with.


What should I do if my Child is a Bully?

If you suspect your child is bullying another child or other children, don’t ignore it. A child who is bullying others often has problems of his or her own. Try to understand what may be causing this behaviour and think about what is going on in your own home. Bullying can be subtle, so watch your child’s behaviour closely.



Tootoot is a simple platform for students to report anything from bullying to a mental health concern. The simple-to-use app and website makes it easier for our students to speak-up and gives them confidence that their concerns are being taken seriously. Staff anonymously respond to and manage student concerns.

The Tootoot website can be accessing using the button on the school intranet. Students are given their log in details at the beginning of the year.

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